Voici des hommes pour qui être nu dans la foule a coté de personnes habillées n'est pas du tout un problème, la preuve ils ont (presque tous) la banane. Et si se déshabiller en public était LA solution pour combattre la morosité liée à la crise économique que nous connaissons actuellement!
J'attends avec impatience que Nicolas Sarkozy ou Barack Obama fasse cette proposition au Parlement, ça pourrait être sympa ! :)
If you visit this blog is that you certainly have a tendency to the exhibition, or at least you like to be naked even if it's only in private!
Here are some men for whom being naked in the nearby crowd of people dressed is not a problem, the evidence they have (almost all) a big smile. And if to undress in public was the ultimate solution to combat the gloom associated with the economic crisis we have now!
I look forward to Nicolas Sarkozy and Barack Obama made this proposal in Parliament, it could be fun! :)
2 .:
ce sont souvent ceux qui ont un gros matos qui se foutent à poil. Pas un hasard...
that guy semi hard on 2nd picture and that with big happy smile on 8th picture say everything, nude public events are paradise for exhibitionists.
and that other on 6th picture with his sex out, it should be heaven if all men walk around this way
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