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SandBach Boys

Tout le monde a déjà vu cette image à gauche... Oui! J'espère pour vous sinon, je me demande où vous étiez depuis presque 1an. Cette image est extraite d'un reportage fait sur le club de rugby de Sandbach en Angleterre où les joueurs étaient complètement bourrés et exhibs... mais se n'est pas de cela que je veux vous parler.
Je vais me focaliser sur le capitaine de l'équipe et son membre car depuis quelques jours une série de photos artistique circule sur le net avec Tim Oakes en tenue d'Adam. Les images sont extraites du forum famousmales.uk.net , je vous offre ici les photos soft du shooting.

Décidément lui il a vraiment un gros morceau, on aurait pu croire qu'il y avait eu retouche dans le reportage, mais non le garçon nous prouve qu'il en a dans le pantalon.
Google Translation
Everyone has already seen this image to the left ... Yes! I hope for you if, I wonder where you were for almost 1yr. This image is extracted from a report done on the club rugby in England Sandbach where players were completely stuffed and exhibs ... but is not what I want to talk.
I will focus on the team captain and its member because the last few days a series of artistic photos circulating on the net with Tim Oakes to hold Adam. The images are extracted from the forum famousmales.uk.net, I offer you here photos of soft shooting.

Clearly it is really a big piece, one would have believed that there had been touching up in the news story, but not the boy we can prove that he has in the pants.

Et puis pour ceux qui aimeraient revoir le reportage choc :

5 .:

Anonyme a dit…

Plase guys, for a long time i've been trying to figure out what is Ali saying at 1:25 minutes... My english is not that great and i got the idea that if a teamate needs a "handjob" at night, "you gotta take it for the team".
Is that what he said? That would be like saying "we're totally gay here".
Though, he can be talking about drinking... I can't seem to figure out his sentence. Can somebody PLEASE transcribe that for me.
Thanks so much for the attention.

Anonyme a dit…

trop fort ces anglais ,il vaut mieux finir à poil et en s'amusant un aprés match qu' en bagarre ,français ,faites comme les anglais !naked every where!

Anonyme a dit…

I think he was saying that if a teammate begins to hook up with a girl, that he will "take one for the team" and hook up with her fat friend.

Anonyme a dit…

wow... than I totally "misinterpretated" it. Thank you!

Anonyme a dit…

he has a 5 skin, not a foreskin wow

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